What is Internet?
Internet is a network of interconnected computers that enables global Internet users share information / data through the network. The Internet is a global data communications system, an infrastructure consisting of hardware and software that connects computers in the network.
So, talking about the internet connected computer networks and interact with each other on a global scale.
At the beginning of the Internet (brief version of the Internet History)
There are many important points in the history of the internet. But on this occasion I will simplify it into 5 important milestone in advance only, based on what has been published on the CNET Australia. A more complex version of the Milestone I will publish in the next article :)
The emergence of the Internet began in 1966, by ARPA (Advanced Research Project Agency - One of the divisions in the U.S. defense department) with a very simple idea: create a network of military computers capable of exchanging data from distant places.
In 1969, ARPA ARPANET was to successfully connect two computers at the University of California, Los Angeles and SRI International in Menlo Park, California. This is what became one of the embryos internet delivery.
In 1974, TCP / IP (Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) was introduced and became very popular and acceptable in the 80's. TCP / IP is a data communication standard that is used for exchanging process data in the Internet network. Simply put, TCP / IP is a protocol / rules are used together in transferring data from one computer to another computer in the Internet network.
TCP / IP using a scheme called IP Address. A scheme which gives an address to a computer machine, which makes data stored in it can be accessed by other computers. Example IP Address: 205 116 008 044. For a better understanding of the IP Adress, you can ip address in the article on wikipedia
On October 1984, the domain name system (. Com,. Org,. Gov,. Edu, etc) are introduced. Domain name is one way to make the Internet becomes easier to explore. Put simply this: Technology TCP / IP provides an IP address for each computer that make it accessible to other computers. IP address consists of a sequence of numbers, for example: Well, the domain name is an attempt to make the internet a more humane way to make the domain name as an "alias" of the IP address. It's easier to type than bloggingly.com right? ;)
June 1987, gif image formats found. GIF or graphics interchange format is a digital image format that is relatively more efficient (due to their smaller size) than other image formats (eg,. JPEG), which immediately makes the Internet becomes more colorful with a variety of image formats. Gif.
November 1990, the format of the World Wide Web or www Barners introduced by Tim Lee, an employee of CERN (Organisation joint European countries are researching nuclear technology. Been reading Deception Point, Dan Brown's novel).
Well, these things are important, but often we lack proper understanding of: the internet and world wide web are two different things. Internet is a network of computers connected in a global scale, while the world wide web is one of the internet service in the form of a network of documents or other resources such as audio, video or images that are connected by a hyperlink or URL (Uniform Resource Locator - a web address that your web documents type in the browser address bar) that is transferred through the Internet via HTTP protocol (hypertext transfer protocol).
So initially there are various formats of data exchange between computers that exist in the Internet network. Unfortunately, sometimes from one format to another format is not compatible. This is exactly what underlies the creation of the world wide web as an internet platform: for a uniform data exchange format on the internet.